Blue Bird Trail

Started in 2019, the Autauga/Elmore Bluebird trail currently runs along Highway 14 through Autauga and Elmore Counties.

Volunteers build and maintain nesting boxes used by Eastern Bluebirds and other birds.

Beginning in early March through July of each year, volunteers monitor these nesting boxes.

As of 2022, some 104 nesting boxes are monitored and a total of 430 birds fledged from the eggs that hatched.

Volunteers report bird counts to the Cornell University Ornithology Department. According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology 30% of birds in the U.S. and Canada have vanished since 1970.

The Eastern Bluebird population began to decline in the early twentieth century due to non-native species competition and habitat destruction.

By providing and monitoring nesting boxes, the Autauga Bluebird Trail program has helped slow the decline of Eastern Bluebirds and other bird populations.

Volunteers for this important program are always needed. If you are interested in volunteering, details can be found on the Bluebird Trail  Contact Us Page

Website:  Autauga Bluebird Trail

Additional Information

Bird Houses for Songbirds (ANR-0550.Rev-2):

Download ANR-0550.Rev-2