Annual Plant Sale

Next ACMGA Plant Sale: April 25, 2025

ACMGA Plant Sale

In autumn, when most home gardens have been wrapped up for winter, Autauga County Master Gardeners have begun behind-the-scenes preparations for their annual spring plant sale, traditionally held the last Saturday of April at Prattvillage Garden in downtown Prattville. Plants for the sale, donated by members, are started from seeds, propagated by division or cuttings, or grown from bulbs. Seedlings and mature plants, encouraged by grow lights and protected in greenhouses, will be ready for sale by spring.

Toward the end of March, advertising signs pop up around town announcing the sale. Hundreds of plants such as herbs, vegetables, flowers, shrubs, and trees are potted, labeled, and reasonably priced. Prattvillage Garden, always beautiful, is staged for the event with signs designating plant areas, the Village Garden Shoppe (where one may find gently used garden items or potentially quirky yard art), the cashier’s area, and a line of wagons available for hauling plants to buyers’ vehicles. Fingers are crossed for beautiful weather.

The official start of the sale is 8:00 a.m., but faithful repeat customers are lined up much earlier than the opening time, eager to see what’s offered and scoop up what they are looking for or can’t resist. Master Gardener members circulate, ready to direct shoppers to plants and answer questions. Children accompanying shopping adults are given a voucher which may be used to purchase a plant or Village Garden Shoppe item.

Master Gardeners enjoy offering many outreach opportunities on the day of the plant sale. They present workshops and demonstrations to interested shoppers and share recruiting material regarding the Master Gardener program. Soil pH testing is available, as well as soil sample boxes and forms.

The Autauga County Master Gardeners Association is a non-profit organization. The plant sale is the association’s major annual source of funds for projects that benefit and beautify Autauga County.

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